Monday 23 January 2012

Lesson 10 Tasks

Today you need to start planning your info film.
Go to and create an account (use the email address you used to create your blog). Have a play around with Xtranormal - make sure your choices are within the limits of the 300xp points.
Don't publish your film! This will use up your points and you'll need to create another account.

Also have a look back at this blog post and the other example of the info films.

Write a blog post explaining which of these approaches, or what new approach, you are going to take for your info film, how it will work (i.e. conversation, interview, documentary, comedy sketch), what you need to do (write the script, find images, etc) and when you will do it by.

You will begin making your films next week, lesson 14, at the latest.

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