Monday, 25 February 2013

Andrew Keen - Profile

Andrew Keen is an Internet entrepreneur who founded in 1995 and built it into a popular first generation Internet company. He is currently the host of “Keen On” show, the popular Techcrunch chat show, a columnist for CNN and a regular commentator for many other newspapers, radio and television networks around the world. He is also an acclaimed speaker, regularly addressing the impact of digital technologies on 21st century business, education and society. He is the author of the international hit “CULT OF THE AMATEUR: How The Internet Is Killing Our Culture” which has been published in 17 different languages and “DIGITAL VERTIGO: How Today’s Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing and Disorienting Us”, his controversial critique of contemporary social media.
His website

The Cult of the Amatuer -
Read this article and watch the video

Digital Revolution -

TED Talk on Internet Revolution -

Essay Titles

Complete a 2000 word essay and ensure it is completed and handed in on Thursday 7th March.

Media and the Online Age Essay Question:
Discuss the extent to which the behaviour of media audiences has been transformed by the internet.

WeMedia and Democracy Essay Question:
As a citizen, to what extent do you feel that the media provide you with a democratic service?

Contemporary Media Regulation Essay Question:
Why is the regulation of media so complex?
Media and Collective identity Essay Question:
Explain the role played by the media in the construction of collective identity.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Please watch the relevant documentary and make notes on your blogs.

We-Media and Democracy - Storyville documentary about Hackers.

Contemporary Media Regulation: Storyville documentary about illegal file sharing.

Media in the Online Age - you could watch the documentary on illegal file sharing or you could watch this documentary about Google

Media and Collective Identity
Have a look at these short clips regarding Britishness

Example Essay Plan" title="Regulation section b essay plan" target="_blank">Regulation section b essay plan

from" target="_blank">Media Studies

This is an essay plan for contemporary media regulation, it will help you all to see an example of an essay plan in preparation for the next piece of written work.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Lesson Sixteen

Today's lesson is a review of all of the work completed in the last week before half term and also an opportunity to make a start on work for the info film on prompt question 2.

1. Today you must review your prezi with Andrea and also hand in your written work.
2. Begin the planning for your response to your second prompt question. Start brainstorming your response.
3. upload your mind map for your second prompt question to your blog.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Lesson Fifteen and Half Term Work

REMEMBER Thursday's lesson is cancelled due to a year 1 parent consultation evening. This work must ALL be finished by the first lesson back after half term.

1. Turn your prompt question one mind map into a prezi and upload it to your blog - INDIVIDUALLY.

2. Write an essay response (minimum of 1000 words) on the relevant question for your theme. These must be typed, printed out and brought to the first lesson after half term (Monday 18th Feb)

Contemporary Media Regulation Essay Question:
To what extent is contemporary media regulation more or less effective than in previous times?

Media and Collective identity Essay Question:
“Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward”. How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied.

WeMedia and Democracy Essay Question:
What is ‘we media’ and what difference does it make to citizens?

Media in the Online Age Essay Question:
“The impact of the internet on the media is revolutionary”. Discuss.

3. Look at prompt question two and start collecting images for the info film you will be making in response to prompt question 2. Either upload them to your blog, or put them on flickr, or save them on a memory stick.

Lesson Fourteen - Wednesday

Right, now we have firmed up our case studies and got our academic theory clearer in our minds you now need to have a go at using it to tackle a prompt question.

Objectives: Use your knowledge to tackle the first prompt question.
Outcome - a detailed mind map tackling the first prompt question. Include reference to both media areas, a range of case studies and make reference to academic theory and the reading you have done.

Put the mind map on your blog. It must be done INDIVIDUALLY but you can help each other out.


Media and Collective Identity Prompt Question

1. How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions and ethnic/social/collective groups of people in different ways?

Media in the Online Age Prompt Questions

1. How have online media developed?

Contemporary Media Regulation Prompt Questions

1. What is the nature of contemporary media regulation compared with previous practices?

'We Media' and Democracy Prompt Questions

1. What are 'We media'?

Lesson Thirteen - Monday

Morning Guys!
Right, today you all need to finalise your case study examples by completing your case study worksheets - minimum of two (one per media area).
Then have another go at the theory grids - there are spares in the class folder - see the post on Lesson Eleven for more help.

Objectives - to complete the case study and theory work.
Outcomes - Two completed case study worksheets and a completed theory grid.